Menagerial posts
- 25-09-2019
- Author: Sabina Rezmer
The head of the commune Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
Tomasz Waruszewski
phone number : 56 472 63 01, mobile phone number: 517 495 292, Fax 56 472 63 05
e- mail : twaruszewski[@]
The head of the commune is available in his office every Tuesday from 8:00 to 16:00,
by appointment in advance.
Vice-Head of commune,Secretary of a commune
Agnieszka Paturalska-Miehlau
Commune treasurer
Joanna Artuszewska
phone number: 56 472 63 02, Fax 56 472 63 05
e-mail: apaturalska[@]
phone number : 56 472 63 14, Fax 56 472 63 05
e-mail: jartuszewska[@]